
Hahahha! I win...

... Welcome to failure number 2! I'm on a roll here, apparently whether I understand it or not--to some extent--electronics and myself do not get along. I can mostly get the computer to do what I want to do with much effort and heart ache but it is just not working with my own circuits. Everything worked when the resistors and the LED lights were stitched together, on all the fingers. However, I get the rest of it all put together and connected to the battery and.... nothing. *sighs*


Okay, actually I need to find a smaller needle and connect the battery better. I'm hoping that'll do it but it is actually making contact and I'm not getting anything so... ha. Anyway, I'm going to stop looking at this thing for a while and try and stare at flash for a bit and I need to put together some screen printing screens in illustrator. *disappears* 

Edit: I can't ever just stop working on something. It sort of works. I tightened up some of the connections. Not sure about the switch now or maybe I need to put something conductive over the whole back of the hand to get a better connection there when the beads touch... at least that would be easy to test.

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