
Crisco and the Combs

Ice Walk 3, 2, 2010
by *krazysidhe on deviantART

V. This is pretty cute. Hmmm...

J. It was really random is what it was. *chuckles*

V. Crisco at work. Look for combs popping up everywhere!

J. Hahhaa.... Only he's not working to scale yet. He's got a bigger one here [link] but he failed in his placement and rather got it too far into the ground so that no one can tell what it is. I'm sure if we keep looking we can find many other examples of his great 'Comb' experiment. ;)

V. !!! LOL :laughing: Yes! I totally missed that one. I bow to your superior powers of obsertation!

J. Now, on that note see how many examples of something that might be an artistic version of a comb you can spot in the next couple of days. I bet there are quite a few of them out there, once you start looking for them. After all we humans have a fondness for straight lines and so it was quiet easy for Crisco to slip his subversive comb's into our midst's without us noticing it for after all he does have a sense of humor sometimes. It is quiet fun to see just what you can get away with without the indigenous population notice.

V. If I only got out and about more! I'm notoriously shut in because, believe it or not, I work from home. But I'll keep my eyes open for combs in the environment and send a report.

J. Hmmm perhaps Crisco has been at work in the home as well as in the wider world... Oh well, I keep forgetting to look when I'm out and about so I can't say a whole lot. ;)

This conversation can be found in it's actual format here, and was conducted by myself and my friend vanilla-vanilla. Stay tuned for more such inanity in the future, some butter and some probably worse. :)


Alien Antenna

Anteni 2, 2010
by *krazysidhe on deviantART

V. I know you posted this antenna series a while ago and I've looked at 'em several times. I guess they're moss of some type? Anyway, they look really cute and fun and vigorous, all jumping up in the sun through that snow.

J. Yeah I posted those a while ago. There was something wonderful about that rock just sitting there next to the path, mostly unnoticed and then you look closer...

V. Yeah, they're really amazing little things...

J. Yeah. Something amazing about this tiny delicate little thing growing out of the snow, just pop. Hi! Hello! Yep, here I am! And I'm not leaving. At least not right away.

V. [cure eerie music] Not leaving until I've covered the earth with my alien spores and invaded every pore of every creature. Mwa ha ha...

J. *giggles* And I must look fabulous while doing so.

V. Oooh! I feel another marvelously huge Crisco project coming on... ;-)

J. You know that Crisco he's never still. ;) Always planning or doing something monstrous.

This conversation can be found here, and was conducted by vanilla-vanilla and myself krazysidhe.


Dreams and Forgotten Ideas

Paleontology Bumper Sticker
by =vanilla-vanilla on deviantART

This conversation took place in response to the linked image above. This work is not mine by belongs to my friend Vanilla-Vanilla.

J. I do so love dreams most of the time. *chuckles*

V. Dreams are great fun! Well, mostly. :-)

J. lol mostly dreams are great even those that are scary can be interesting in their own right. What scares you other then the obvious? I had a friend who dreamed about a raccoon chasing her around with a gun and one of the worst dreams I ever had was about giant flesh eating grasshoppers...

V. When I have nightmares, which isn't often, they seem to involve just general spookiness, and sometimes werewolves. (I hate werewolves, and horror films in general anyway.) The other scary thing is sensations of inability to move, being "tied down" and/or squished.

J. I had a waking dream one time where I was asleep and I couldn't move but I was in my room and I could hear people outside. That really freaked me out.
Mostly it's the unknown, something in the dark. Something I term a 'monster' but I don't usually see it. I simply know what it is that it's there.

V. Yeah, the "can't move" sensation is a weird one. The Japanese call it "kanashibari". I actually have the feeling of being squished and paralyzed sometimes, often associated with bad dreams, and wake up making weird noises. Hmm. Not a good topic before bed-time!

J. Wow, that's really fascinating [link] and there are stories from all around the world as well. There is something in that. I shall sit on that and put it in my ideas folder for now. :)

V. Ah, good. In the ideas folder, where it will lurk, ready to pounce at a later date.:-)

J. Or be forgotten. I have some random things in there. I have gone back through it on occasion.

V. Ah, right, the folder of forgotten fantasies..:-)

J. Brilliant title, for something. But yeah something like that. Though It end to have the Note book of Forgotten Fantasies, which just doesn't have the same ring.... how about FlipBook of Forgotten Fantasies?

V. Mm, the flipbook of forgotten fantasies. OK. Sounds interesting.

J. Could be a fun visual as opposed to something you're actually meant to read. With the flipbook being often a momentary diversion to look at for a short time set aside and usually forget about.


Orange Dots and Alien Artists

Artist's Comments
So, a while back I posted a journal entry about train tracks and why they seem to fascinate so many people. Well there are lots of train tracks around the place but I admit I've never paid them much attention. I decide every so often I'm going to take a walk along a different stretch of the tracks and see what I find. To get out of the studio and do something different yesterday I walked along a stretch of tracks near campus.

Here's one thing that jumped out at me, bright orange dots. ;)

V. These are fun! It looks like 7 or 8 different locations... Hmmm.

J. Yeah I enjoyed it. Same tracks just different spots along it. I don't know if it was someone having fun or someone marking something.

V. It would be nice to think it had something to do with Morse code for aliens or an art project by a devotee of Christo and Jeanne-Claude but it's more likely to be railway folks marking ties that need to be replaced... ?

J. *chuckles* Well it's not really on their scale at least the stuff of theirs that I know. Though that would be interesting and I suppose in some way it could be a massive scale. I think I'll vote for alien code, I like that answer. ;) Or maybe it's the squirrel's, it must be the squirrel's fault.
Yeah, I wondered about the replaced ties, though most of them didn't look any worse then any of the others at least as far as my uneducated eyes could tell.

V. Hi! My name's Crisco. I'm an installation aahrtist from Alpha Centauri. Last week I painted each railway tie with a bright orange dot from Bellingham WA to IN. I usually work bigger, but I've been a little sick. You should see what I did in 1054. Oh, wait, I guess you can see it. One of my finest "plasma balloons"...

J. LOL. That just made my morning. *giggles*
So, Crisco while you're here can I ask you a few questions?
Are you here to take over the world with art? Or is the whole alien domination and take over thing rather over done?

V. Oh, dahling, we don't just take over worlds. Our motto: "We'll annihilate anything for Art." Nothing gets your blood pumping in the morning like a supernova. And, as Joan-Clod says, "lasts longer than a box of radioactive Sharpies."

J. Hmmm... I see. Well then let me pose one of the fundamental questions to you, what is art? I've always been under the impression that supernova's and such were naturally occurring. If you consider the creation of one art; what is heart to you and your people beyond the limitations of Earth?

V. Ah, Ah. As I, Crisco, have written elsewhere in one of my many books available through Rip-Em-Right-Off-Press: Art is {all the stuff you draw/make/write/sculpt/sing/weave while you're trying to become an Artist} minus all the bits involving feces. And the latter is sometimes negotiable, as you demonstrated brilliantly: link.  For example, the Trooblinquat Bemquine tribe of Beta Centauri IV produce very interesting and colorful fecal sculpture hundreds of meters tall and it has been hoity-toity art among them for 10,000 or so Earth years. And supernovae are far from naturally occurring, Grasshopper. You really have to work at one. They take several billion Earth years to actually bloom.

J. Well, then you must've perfected the art of longevity as it seems we short lived humans have missed out on much.
(You know perhaps it's not so much about what artists make it's about the fact that they make it and they present it as art. So it comes down to the presentation such as Duchamp's Fountain. Or for example fecal sculptures; are made and presented as art and thus become art over time because they have been presented that way. We become defined by what people previously have declared as art. Lol as a side note this came up in my search for the above as a picture from Burning Man. lol or link.)

V. Yes, humans do miss out on much with your short lifespans. Someday perhaps you'll live long enough to see some of the art that other species have been making all around the galaxy for eons... :-)
(Ah, Duchamp's fountain. I never learned whether he made the fountain or just presented it. I'd have to argue, personally, that if he didn't make it, it isn't art, no matter how he presents it. In some sense it trivializes the creative act to simply take an object and present it unadorned. This separates goats from Goats dressed in tires and paint [link] a la Rauschenberg. Yes, it's also true that we become defined by what people previously have declared as art as you say. Burning Man. Ah, never been to it, but I keep hearing about it year after year...)

J. So, then you have not uncovered the secret of ever last life? You are simply blessed with long life spans?
(He simply presented it as art. I don't really care for him or the idea or the Dada movement; however, the observation I think stands. Simply in terms of what we present as art then can become viewed as art. So it's those who present things who begin to define what art is. Which doesn't persay answer the question but it is an element of some sort in the whole mess.
Hahha poor goat.
Yeah I haven't been to Burning Man though I to keep hearing about it. It would be neat to go.)

V. The secret of everlasting life? Don't die. Very simple. The trick is living through the next "big fizzle" or "big collapse" and through the "big bang" that follows it on the other side. :-)
Anyway... Dada can be fun in some ways, but it was mostly similar to what young people were doing in the 60s: doing whatever it takes to annoy the establishment. :-)

J. *chuckles* Well in terms of art, and just people in general there will always be some element of that. Annoying the establishment, doing what they think is, 'shocking', but may or may not be anything that's really new.

V. Exactly. It's mostly been done in one form or another through the ages, somewhere on Earth.

This conversation can be found here and was carried on by myself and vanilla-vanilla.

The Ribs

V. Interesting photo, and also interesting subject matter. I like the amusing comment on the lower ribs. Hmm.

J. Yeah, that was what caught our attention. The lower rib thing.

V. Yes, rather wild and interesting. Strange ideas those ancients had...

J. *chuckles* It always makes me wonder what people a hundred years or so from now will say about us.

V. Right. I think, if they're around, they'll have some rather awful things to say about us, but those comments will probably be censored by the corporate screwballs who control the media and the supreme court. Heh heh.
But the question always reminds me of that scene in Woody Allen's "Sleeper" where he wakes up in the future and the doctor is smoking ciggies like a chimney, telling him "we used to think smoking was bad for you, now we know it's healthy"... :-)

J. *chuckles* It's one of those eternal questions that has no answer and yet still we wonder. I think I shall invent a time traveling pair of moon shoes.

V. Ooh! When you do, stop by and pick me up... :-)

J. I shall make two pairs and we can pretend to be skipping down the yellow brick road in moon shoes, skipping through time... never knowing what we will find. Perhaps it will be the emerald city and perhaps it will be a fuzzy caterpillar smoking hookah or maybe it will be a pygmy alien with a taste for birds and a preference for creak monsters.

V. :laughing: Oh, yes. That sounds like so much fun!!

Original conversation can be found here, the images were taken as part of a collection visit that was set up as part of a class.


Krazy Conversations

V: Nice... It looks very soft and inviting. Maybe go for a swim...

J: It's warmer in here, come and jump in you know that you want to. That's the water monster whispering to you, telling you that you really do want to go for a swim. And he wants a snack. :)

V: Probably wants to nibble my toes...!

J: AH but the problem with a nibble, is that creak water monsters are deceptive. The creak might not be very deep but they are really very big and long because they smoosh down and spread out. So that in the end a nibble for water monster is actually very large bite for you and me.

V: You mean big like no more toes? or off at the knees? ;-)

J: Rather somewhere in the middle I think. Rather like off at the ankle but you might not realize it right away because he has very sharp teeth. So, you'd probably be trying to walk away and fall over flat on your face because you don't have foot that you thought was there, only it wasn't really there... And then maybe all of you would fall through the ice if you fall hard enough and that's when he gets those nice big meals that keep him fed throughout the year.

V: OK, I'll keep the tootsies out of the water! :-)

J: Just dabble them in the edge while you lean over and put the boot in the deeper water. Then you can get your feet wet and not get your toes munched off--though I can't guarantee your creak monster won't have bigger teeth and take off your whole arm--and it will be all good. Save for the walking back to the car or trail head without two boots, which could prove problematic depending on what type of trail it is.

V: :laughing: Yes, I can see myself limping back down the trail with one boot and one arm...

This conversation and others can be found on my gallery, Krazysidhe or on V's, Vanilla-Vanilla