
conversation/Creak Monster Munch 2

Creak Monster Munch 2

V. There's that river monster again, just below the surface... This one also has a nice mood; I like the almost b/w quality.

J. Ah, but you know now the river monster doesn't feel the need to break free because he can come up and breath whenever he wants to. So he's not as restless as he is when the river is frozen over completely.

V. Tis the season where he loves to stick his neck out and stretch after a winter under the ice...

J. He's like, "MMmm... I can just smell all that freedom and all those tasty hiker toes in their yummy stinky hiking boots... and I can't wait to eats me some of those!"

V. Oh, I have a pair of hiking boots he can have... I'll keep my feet, though!

J. There you go. Fishing for creak monsters by taking off your hiking boots and dangling them in the water instead of your toes. You are definitely one of the smarter hikers around.

V. Hopefully that'll keep me out of the monster's belly for another season.

This conversation was conducted on DeviantArt between my friend vanilla-vanilla and myself krazysidhe. For it and other conversations feel free to hunt around, we hope you’ve enjoyed today’s installment.

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