Ice Walk 3, 2, 2010 by *krazysidhe on deviantART
V. This is pretty cute. Hmmm...
J. It was really random is what it was. *chuckles*
V. Crisco at work. Look for combs popping up everywhere!
J. Hahhaa.... Only he's not working to scale yet. He's got a bigger one here [link] but he failed in his placement and rather got it too far into the ground so that no one can tell what it is. I'm sure if we keep looking we can find many other examples of his great 'Comb' experiment. ;)
V. !!! LOL
J. Now, on that note see how many examples of something that might be an artistic version of a comb you can spot in the next couple of days. I bet there are quite a few of them out there, once you start looking for them. After all we humans have a fondness for straight lines and so it was quiet easy for Crisco to slip his subversive comb's into our midst's without us noticing it for after all he does have a sense of humor sometimes. It is quiet fun to see just what you can get away with without the indigenous population notice.
V. If I only got out and about more! I'm notoriously shut in because, believe it or not, I work from home. But I'll keep my eyes open for combs in the environment and send a report.
J. Hmmm perhaps Crisco has been at work in the home as well as in the wider world... Oh well, I keep forgetting to look when I'm out and about so I can't say a whole lot.
This conversation can be found in it's actual format here, and was conducted by myself and my friend vanilla-vanilla. Stay tuned for more such inanity in the future, some butter and some probably worse. :)
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