So while talking with Amy about our project, I've also on the side been trying to do something simple with LED lights for BFA class, simply to see if I can. Today was the first day I tried to get the first layer working and it failed.
Mostly I think because the connections weren't good enough but I'm not positive. Either that or not enough power (pokes little AAA battery). I was going to try a larger battery, after looking around on this website. However, while I know the screen mesh conducts and will light up one light it might not work with this. I mostly wanted to us it though because I couldn't find any wiring that wouldn't have shown up like none other (and I got the wire mesh for free from the hardware store when I went in there.)
If that fails, the conductive thread would probably work. However, I don't have any of that right now. I may have to try and fix that though. As that might be my best bet. Though I must admit I'm rather apathetic in the hand sewing department and this would have to be hand done. We'll see, I have until Friday to get it working... At the moment I'm just shooting to get the lights working, I would like to program the arduino to do some simple patterns to but I'm going to focus on it actually lighting up first. ^_^
Edit: Hahaha and this is why I'm doing this project because even going through the work shop... you sit down to wire your own circuit and it gets complicated really fast. How to Wire LED lights; however was much more helpful then the other link. Or maybe I just didn't read the other one carefully enough. Another link, Quick guide on how to wire LED's in a circuit. Oh and this was neat Resister Calculator but I'm out of time now to play with it.
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