
How to...

My biggest issue with this project is not the what of it so much is the how of it. How do you take a living room and re create it in another space, easily? There in lies the problem. There is no easy about it, not truly. Not without help in moving furniture--where to get the furniture from--into a space and out of a space.

I had an epiphany on the fact a couple of nights ago. I had been toying with the idea of doing a recreation with doll furniture, but I did not truly like that idea. I love the idea of having a space that people walk through that surrounds you, that is not entirely comfortable. Or perhaps it is comfortable, I have realized during my brief explorations into this idea that it could also be seen in a positive light and not simply a negative light. As I can see both aspects of this fact, I suppose this is not a bad thing and often works presented simply in one manor are much less interesting. You can put something forward with any intention and no matter what the intention the audience will always walk away with a different reading.

Alright since I am once again running out of time to get anything written in here, I will hurry the process along:

Idea - Make the room a back drop, use fabric/old sheets and paint the living room upon there. Then minimal furniture cure would be needed for this set up and the technology which is another problem. If done right this would still give the illusion of a space. (The problem is I really want to do it the other way I just don't see how to get everything into a space that could be used for critiquing purposes in terms of the class.)

Anyway, I'm out of time now. Off to see how much Mister smooth talking teacher who can't answer a simple question with anything but bull is going to annoy me today. *disappears*

Edit - Though I suppose if I could somehow create the shape of objects within a typical living room without actually having them there that might work. But that doesn't necessarily convey what I want. As the idea is to have such objects there but to have them disconnected from the rest of the setting.

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