So I signed up for a DeviantArt account years ago and I never ever used it. Recently I decided to start using it while I work on setting up a webpage and all that (something I kept meaning to do and never got around to doing). Anyway to keep this short, as I have a tendency to ramble on with ease... I've recently been talking to a few people on there about a few things. I've been using the journal feature on DA, to post observations about art/society/things of interest and the like not as an actual journal in the hopes of illiciting interesting conversations out of people. Mostly it hasn't worked unfortunately, people don't want to talk about odd observations (silly people don't they know what's good for them?)
Well recently I found someone who will actually comment somewhat on my little bits and pieces of things. It has been a lot of fun. The reason I put this in here is, I did a post after the Found event on how I found the audience more interesting to watch in this case. The audience became part of the art work which was an interesting thing to observe. I speculated on how you could work the audience into the art work make them part of the art work.
So that the art project is not so much about what is on display but on the reactions that illicit' from the audience. So perhaps you simply display a number of odd and random objects, or perhaps the objects are more considered then that. One of the suggestions that Vanilla-Vanilla, suggested was use of photographs of people holding random objects and then the work is photographs of people reacting to photographs. I also had the idea of perhaps using the digital cloth printer in the textiles studio--assuming it ever gets up and working--because I like the idea of taking one medium and turning it into another or working it in with another.
Anyway, future food for thought now back to the current project at hand. *disappears*
Edit: For future referance the entirety of the post/conversation can be found here.
Word Vomit or the spewing up of words that may or may not have any meaning to anyone else. However, what does come up may be quiet random, hilarious and far out there. The world is full of wonderful things that can be taken in so many directions.
Alright In Brief
- The fabric structure will be at the end of the room closest to the windows. I decided to use the natural light from outside as one of my sources. There will be two entrances neither facing the door that people enter the room through -- so that the first view of the inside isn't readily apparently but a surprise. The first entrance will be on the right side, towards the farthest wall the second entrance/exit will be towards the inner wall of fabric across the constructed space (and since that probably makes no sense what so ever, I'll diagram it.):

Back on topic what I did so far today, is I set up the coffee table in the living room at home along with the lamp and the tv remotes. Just to see what it looked like.
Okay there was probably more I was going to put here but it's lost now. Enough rambling as it is. Time to go back to trying to work on the sound aspect of this project. I think I've got all the bits, now to see if I can put them together. *disappears*
Brief Update
As always running out of time, not enough time in which to get things done! Anyway, so just a quick update for now.

I hung up the sheet walls I made yesterday, took a few notes and a few pictures. Some of these I will post later. I needed three to four more sheets, I got those last night though I have not had time to put them together yet. I will probably try and get a couple of extra ones just in case.
1. I still need to get fabric from JoAnn's and test the samples they gave me yesterday to see if they will stain properly.
2. Image, do I want a framed picture or to paint a picture onto the sheets?
3. Two doors or one?
4. Must finish doing the sound file and try and do a test run this weekend to see how the sounds interact with the ambient sound from outside and the fabric surroundings, etc. (Hopefully get done this weekend anyway, see how Lotus fest goes. It will all be fine, it will all be fine, it will all be just fine!)
Just a few questions to think about:
1. I have permission to use the coffee table and the rocking chair (now I just have to figure out the desk.)
2. I found a friend who has a floor rug that I can use to help delineate the space.
Okay I think that's it. Now time to run and do work, gah sometimes I wonder if it's worth trying to do the work and the school thing at the same time. Oh well, I can't have one without the other I suppose, I will flesh this out as soon as I get a chance and post some of the pictures I took yesterday. Poofs out.
I hung up the sheet walls I made yesterday, took a few notes and a few pictures. Some of these I will post later. I needed three to four more sheets, I got those last night though I have not had time to put them together yet. I will probably try and get a couple of extra ones just in case.
1. I still need to get fabric from JoAnn's and test the samples they gave me yesterday to see if they will stain properly.
2. Image, do I want a framed picture or to paint a picture onto the sheets?
3. Two doors or one?
4. Must finish doing the sound file and try and do a test run this weekend to see how the sounds interact with the ambient sound from outside and the fabric surroundings, etc. (Hopefully get done this weekend anyway, see how Lotus fest goes. It will all be fine, it will all be fine, it will all be just fine!)
Just a few questions to think about:
1. I have permission to use the coffee table and the rocking chair (now I just have to figure out the desk.)
2. I found a friend who has a floor rug that I can use to help delineate the space.
Okay I think that's it. Now time to run and do work, gah sometimes I wonder if it's worth trying to do the work and the school thing at the same time. Oh well, I can't have one without the other I suppose, I will flesh this out as soon as I get a chance and post some of the pictures I took yesterday. Poofs out.
Possible Items To Use
Just real quick, here are a few of the items I might use. I'm thinking about trying to find another desk, I don't really like the one that my sister's using. Though I'm not sure why, I just don't (even though you aren't really going to be able to see it. Hahaha, and my sister being like, 'What are you taking pictures of the coffee table for?)
The black book shelf will be easier to move then the cork board one and it will also show up better under the cloth, which I think will be nice. I'm not sure I'll be able to use the rocking chair but it would be easier to move then some of the other arm chairs and stuff... so we'll see. There is an office chair in the textiles bfa studio that I can borrow for the time being when I need it.
Which still leaves a rug. We have a number of small ones that I could use but I rather want something larger. Alright anyway must run now or I will not have time to go by Joann's before class.
Pearing Down
Alright, so I feel like I can breath again now. Lotus fest isn't up but a great deal of the work I had my fingers in is at least done. Now, I must admit I feel slightly more optimistic about life and about this project in general. I wish my brain could deal with more things but there's just only so many things I can force it to focus on at once. I also spent an hour or so today talking with Rowland today, which helped me sort out a few things.
Pear it down into something more manageable was his suggestion and he's right. I simply have not been able to figure out how to do that. However, I think I have some idea now.
Implied presents, things that are implied through the use of other objects. Aka, coffee table implies a couch, tv remote implies at TV, etc.
List of things I need:
1. A large'ish rug of some sort.
2. A portable desk, (I can possibly use one from home.)
3. Coffee table, (Again I can probably use the one from home.)
4. Sheer fabric, (check and see what Joann's has--hopefully tomorrow.)
I got a number of old sheets tonight and sewed those together. I'm going to see if that will work as a surrounding/insulating backdrop tomorrow. And then we will go from there. Now I need to go pass out, I'm tired of being tired. disappears.
Thought on The Problem
So I was thinking, that perhaps if I scale this idea down somewhat. From recreating an entire living room to something more like an office it might be more manageable. Realistically I would prefer to do the other because I think it conveys more of the idea that I want. This comfortable, semi familiar setting that we're all used to seeing to some extent--dorm life excluded. Only to have be uncomfortable to so extent because it is not what we might expect.
I was also thinking that I could contain it all within a room like fabric structure. I would like to have the sound playing--looping--through the three or four tracks. I want it to be audible when people enter the space, at least I think so. But it would be muffled by the fabric at least somewhat, which would change the sound within and from without a little. (Granted I have not tested this theory but it makes sense. I will hopefully be able to do that next week.)
Fabric isn't the problem, I can at least get that free and no money spent is a good thing. I need to get the sound's working and going somewhat more then I have so far. Now if only Lotus Fest was done and over with so I could get that omnipresent looming shadow out of my head, we'd be great. *Disappears*
I was also thinking that I could contain it all within a room like fabric structure. I would like to have the sound playing--looping--through the three or four tracks. I want it to be audible when people enter the space, at least I think so. But it would be muffled by the fabric at least somewhat, which would change the sound within and from without a little. (Granted I have not tested this theory but it makes sense. I will hopefully be able to do that next week.)
Fabric isn't the problem, I can at least get that free and no money spent is a good thing. I need to get the sound's working and going somewhat more then I have so far. Now if only Lotus Fest was done and over with so I could get that omnipresent looming shadow out of my head, we'd be great. *Disappears*
How to...
My biggest issue with this project is not the what of it so much is the how of it. How do you take a living room and re create it in another space, easily? There in lies the problem. There is no easy about it, not truly. Not without help in moving furniture--where to get the furniture from--into a space and out of a space.
I had an epiphany on the fact a couple of nights ago. I had been toying with the idea of doing a recreation with doll furniture, but I did not truly like that idea. I love the idea of having a space that people walk through that surrounds you, that is not entirely comfortable. Or perhaps it is comfortable, I have realized during my brief explorations into this idea that it could also be seen in a positive light and not simply a negative light. As I can see both aspects of this fact, I suppose this is not a bad thing and often works presented simply in one manor are much less interesting. You can put something forward with any intention and no matter what the intention the audience will always walk away with a different reading.
Alright since I am once again running out of time to get anything written in here, I will hurry the process along:
Idea - Make the room a back drop, use fabric/old sheets and paint the living room upon there. Then minimal furniture cure would be needed for this set up and the technology which is another problem. If done right this would still give the illusion of a space. (The problem is I really want to do it the other way I just don't see how to get everything into a space that could be used for critiquing purposes in terms of the class.)
Anyway, I'm out of time now. Off to see how much Mister smooth talking teacher who can't answer a simple question with anything but bull is going to annoy me today. *disappears*
Edit - Though I suppose if I could somehow create the shape of objects within a typical living room without actually having them there that might work. But that doesn't necessarily convey what I want. As the idea is to have such objects there but to have them disconnected from the rest of the setting.
I had an epiphany on the fact a couple of nights ago. I had been toying with the idea of doing a recreation with doll furniture, but I did not truly like that idea. I love the idea of having a space that people walk through that surrounds you, that is not entirely comfortable. Or perhaps it is comfortable, I have realized during my brief explorations into this idea that it could also be seen in a positive light and not simply a negative light. As I can see both aspects of this fact, I suppose this is not a bad thing and often works presented simply in one manor are much less interesting. You can put something forward with any intention and no matter what the intention the audience will always walk away with a different reading.
Alright since I am once again running out of time to get anything written in here, I will hurry the process along:
Idea - Make the room a back drop, use fabric/old sheets and paint the living room upon there. Then minimal furniture cure would be needed for this set up and the technology which is another problem. If done right this would still give the illusion of a space. (The problem is I really want to do it the other way I just don't see how to get everything into a space that could be used for critiquing purposes in terms of the class.)
Anyway, I'm out of time now. Off to see how much Mister smooth talking teacher who can't answer a simple question with anything but bull is going to annoy me today. *disappears*
Edit - Though I suppose if I could somehow create the shape of objects within a typical living room without actually having them there that might work. But that doesn't necessarily convey what I want. As the idea is to have such objects there but to have them disconnected from the rest of the setting.
Audience + Art Work
How doe the audience affect the audio presents of the piece. When people gather together they are going to talk, it is going to be part of the art work in some way, so take that into account. The audience is directing and indirectly involved--always.
Do you want the audio to be private or shared and mingled with the audience? How do you want things to be heard and how much do you want it to be heard?
This applies to any art work but more specifically to works that include sound. Because the people are going to change the sound, what you here and how everything works together as a cohesive whole. *disappears*
Do you want the audio to be private or shared and mingled with the audience? How do you want things to be heard and how much do you want it to be heard?
This applies to any art work but more specifically to works that include sound. Because the people are going to change the sound, what you here and how everything works together as a cohesive whole. *disappears*
In the beginning there was...
Enters/ Lotus festival and it was a pain in the behind.
So there are a number of things I need to put up in here and I keep running out of time to do so. I will be very glad when next weekend gets here and this project is done and over with.
I could say a great deal more on the subject but I will refrain from doing so because it's not really pertinent to this blog... and some of it is not very nice. I am trying to be nice and think nice thoughts not explicatives that, well that's rather obvious.
Anyway I think I'm going to be late for class now. Sighs. So no more rambling time to start the running. Is today over with yet? :) /disappears
So there are a number of things I need to put up in here and I keep running out of time to do so. I will be very glad when next weekend gets here and this project is done and over with.
I could say a great deal more on the subject but I will refrain from doing so because it's not really pertinent to this blog... and some of it is not very nice. I am trying to be nice and think nice thoughts not explicatives that, well that's rather obvious.
Anyway I think I'm going to be late for class now. Sighs. So no more rambling time to start the running. Is today over with yet? :) /disappears
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