
Black and Yellow

So, this is the jacket that I did for my final weaving project last semester. While I like what this is, it isn't exactly what I set out to do. This project began with one of the other weavers doing pleats. I thought it would be neat to have a jacket with pleats down the back that got consecutively larger.

I wanted the pleats to be made out of something see through, so that you got a layered effect. (I have been thinking about trying the pleats again and scratching the visibility idea, just because I still have this image stuck in my head of what I wanted it to look like in terms of form... which is this but isn't this.)

I tried a number of different things. The one that ended up working the best was the fishing line. Though my original idea was to use plastic, as I did with the garment in the previous post. However, even if the plastic was cut in very narrow strips, the visibility was lost when it got bunched up in the weave.

I'm currently planning on doing a set up that includes both this piece and the plastic/trashion piece as interacting with each other. Similar in some respects to what I tried to do with this scene. In this scene I plan on working with the silhouette as I did in weighted. The difference being that in this current scene, I would like to attempt to try and make the silhouette look as if it is wearing the garment hanging out in front of it.

I'm going to try a set up that includes on the heads, hands and feet of the silhouette and not the entire thing. The problem that I can see right now, is the fact that different people will be viewing it from varying heights, as we are all different shapes and sizes. This will mean that if I line up the garments and the outlines for my height, it will be off for everyone else.

Though I suppose some wiggle room could be added in there... there is some work that needs to be done, and things that need to be played around with. I'm hoping to get some time in the study this weekend to see what I can do.  I thought about going in today but... I can't carry everything I need with me and that's the only option at this point.

Anyway, I need to figure out how I want to model for the silhouettes for me. Doing myself is hard and easy at the same time. There is something in that thought, of doing to silhouettes of myself. Hmmm... has a different meaning though.

Alright, that's it for now. Outwards and onwards. Poofs.